“Is this the end of the United Kingdom which I see before me?” | Scotland, vote NO!

It seems utterly incomprehensible that, at this stage in history, the Scots are willing to take a flyer on breaking up a major first world country.

And not just any country – but one that has a preeminent position in the world.

If it were Germany, or France, or Spain, or any number of other European entities that wanted to shed a province, no one would bat an eye. But breaking up the UK? This is no ordinary proposition. The end of the Union Jack? Say it ain’t so.

The grievances are real, and no doubt the forces of Westminster are hopelessly corrupt and incapable of leadership (hmmm, that sounds familiar).  But breaking up the UK cannot be the answer. The solution is mass political action and getting all citizens of the UK together out on the streets to realize that if they want to save this thing, right now is the time. It is a moment for business as most unusual – pronto. Do it now before taking a forever decision.

With the goliath-sized real world challenges of climate change and endless jihad bearing down hard on world powers, heralding a very real kind of “end of history” not too far off, the last thing we need now is to lose a major US ally to years of distraction and unnecessary expenses as the low level details of ripping apart societies, governments, and bureaucracies that have been completely intermingled for centuries wind through committee meetings.

Plus, a Yes vote could have unexpected consequences across the way in Northern Ireland. Let’s not send the whole neighborhood up in flames, please.

Breakup of the EU, a recent construction, seems far more imaginable and doable than dissolving the UK.

Don’t do it, Scotland!

Keep the GBP, and keep the UK!

Scotland, please don't change this flag.
Scotland, please don’t change this flag.