TEWS Alert! | Seattle’s New Century Theatre Company to produce west coast premiere of Annie Baker’s THE FLICK in March 2015

Well, who says our T.E.W.S. (Theatre Early Warning System) doesn’t work any more? It just jumped to full alert status with some big – nay giant – PNW news.

Seattle’s top notch New Century Theatre Company (kind of the Jet City equivalent of Third Rail, though smaller and more experimental) is the first theatre to bring Annie Baker’s THE FLICK (Pulitzer 2014) to the west coast. And they are doing it in the company’s brand new home, and Seattle’s brand new community arts center, 12 Ave Arts.

NCTC has been around for a while now and reliably cranks out the best possible small scale theatre. Last year their production of Enda Walsh’s challenging THE WALWORTH FARCE was every bit as good as the original Druid show. And that’s saying something.

In NCTC’s capable, wildly creative hands, Baker’s non-traditional, marathon play about three kids in a fading Northampton movie theatre is sure to be a season highlight.

The cast for New Century's WALWORTH. Blake (Peter Dylan O’Connor (Blake), Sean (Darragh Kennan) and Dinny (Peter Crook).
“Another day, another rubber chicken.” The cast for New Century’s unforgettable production of THE WALWORTH FARCE by Enda Walsh. Blake (Peter Dylan O’Connor (Blake), Sean (Darragh Kennan) and
Dinny (Peter Crook).