Everything at once | An entertainment downpour from Portland’s hottest improv and comedy outfits hits town simultaneously this weekend

Well, here it comes. For the first weekend in April, there is quite a surge of activity from Portland’s improv, storytelling, and comedy crews coming at you.

Action/Adventure, The Liberators, and Back Fence PDX all have new stuff for you. If you tip toe carefully enough through the spring tulips, you can see MOST of it.

Start things off Thursday night with a double shot (at 8 and 10) at Action/Adventure. Friday you could catch The Liberators at IFCC. Saturday, it’s a special Back Fence PDX show at Hollywood Theatre.

And remember that SIDEKICKS is the new serial comedy from Action/Adventure running in four episodes over the next four weeks.

4.3-27 Action/Adventure – SIDEKICKS 8 PM Thursday-Sunday
4.3-26 Action/Adventure – PILOT SEASON 10 PM Thursday – Saturday
4.4 Back Fence PDX – REEL STORIES at Hollywood Theatre
4.5 Back Fence PDX – DON’T BOX ME IN at Mission Theater