List Your Show


Got a great show coming up?  Tell the world with a great-looking show poster displayed right here on Portland Theatre Scene, one of the top results for any search on Portland theatre.

The cost to you: free.

Well, that’s not entirely true.  You have to expend the necessary energy and design to create an unforgettable piece.  If you have one, send it on and we will consider listing it on our front page.

Along with an arresting image, your show poster should include all relevant details someone needs to understand what’s on offer: Name of show and author, theatre company, venue, run dates, ticket prices, URL, phone, etc.  JPG preferred.

The show before the show (i.e., your marketing) is the single most important way the audience knows whether something may be good.  Spend the time and make sure your copy and imagery create a fully satisfying dramatic experience.

What does a great show poster look like?  Here’s a few.


