Well, it figures. Right after we shoot our mouth off about how the O is no longer capable of writing negative reviews – along comes a zinger. Just goes to show that hope springs eternal.
Carol Wells wades in old school style from word 1 on the wheel of cheese that is CYRANO at Portland Center Stage.
All we can say in response to a salty review from the paper of record of a fragrant-pile-of-cheese-of-a-show on the city’s largest (and most expensive and tax payer-subsidized) stage:
Can I get a witness?
Meanwhile, you know what WOULD be a truly enjoyable experience?
A standup routine by Lauren Weedman on how absurdly boring and old-fashioned this CYRANO is. Serious gold waiting to be prospected here, folks.
Lauren, this may be your next show. Just not one you can do at PCS…
Meanwhile, tired of the corn and cheese that passes for theatre at PCS, despite almost unlimited subsidies from Portland’s taxpayers?
Start speaking up:
For the amount of money Portland has spent on this white elephant leviathan we should have a world class theatre that draws people from around the world.
Instead, we are served up CYRANO, SANTALAND DIARIES and TWIST YOUR DICKENS for the zillionth time in a row, TV stars, etc.
If artistic leadership at PCS doesn’t know how to create durable, original, important theatre that will bring in paying audiences, it’s time to hand the wheel to someone who does.