We’d tell you who or what they are – but that would ruin all the fun.
And then we’d have to kill you.
But first we’d have to figure out who or what they are. Before we could tell you. And then kill you.
So to avoid all that research and telling and random violence – how about you try and figure out who or what TF they are and then report back?
THEY – are Empire of Australia.
And something seriously weird is going on here.
Meanwhile, read up on some straight shooting craic about arts marketing and more on their blog.
Some nuggets:
“Most of the marketing money that most arts organizations spend is completely wasted.”
“Create a simple message–so simple it can fit on a bumper sticker–and then send it out to those people you identified as your top promoters. It makes them feel like part of the family, like they belong to your tribe, and they’ll be excited to say so. So stop standing in their way.”
“Make sure you’re filling your emails with things that make people want to open them: inside information about your productions, chances to win free stuff (like t-shirts for particular shows), and other things that they’ll find useful, valuable or awesome.”
“A line signals to people that something is popular, and even if they hate lines they’ll often join in because they think whatever is being offered is too great to miss.”
“Word of mouth is by far the absolute most effective marketing tool out there. Nothing else even comes remotely close.”
“Everything you do, every interaction you have with your patrons–ask yourself one question over and over again: How can I make this more special for them?”